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Dear students, staff and parents:

Welcome to the 2074 year!

Our commitment at sunrise English boarding school is to provide a safe and intellectually challenging environment that will empower students to become innovative thinkers, creative problem solvers and inspired learners prepared to thrive in the twenty-first century.

High standards and expectations for each student in regard to academic performance, co- circular and extra-circular participation, and responsible citizenship are the foundation of our school. It is with pride that we hold these high standards and ask each of our students to commit to maintaining the extra -ordinary record of achievements and contribution that has been the legacy of our students .Full participation in academic and co -curricular programs & a willingness to act responsibly as an individual within our educational environment are the factors that enable all to have a successful and enjoyable year.

My mission as principal is to always put my students first. My belief is that all students can learn, and it is our job to support all of their needs .As educators, we need to discover how each student learns in order to differentiate our instruction to support diverse learning styles; all students are not same. I also want all children to love school!  My passion for education as well as the enthusiasm of my staff will always be evident.



Mahendra  Poudel
